136 research outputs found

    Reasoning with Data Flows and Policy Propagation Rules

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    Data-oriented systems and applications are at the centre of current developments of the World Wide Web. In these scenarios, assessing what policies propagate from the licenses of data sources to the output of a given data-intensive system is an important problem. Both policies and data flows can be described with Semantic Web languages. Although it is possible to define Policy Propagation Rules (PPR) by associating policies to data flow steps, this activity results in a huge number of rules to be stored and managed. In a recent paper, we introduced strategies for reducing the size of a PPR knowledge base by using an ontology of the possible relations between data objects, the Datanode ontology, and applying the (A)AAAA methodology, a knowledge engineering approach that exploits Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). In this article, we investigate whether this reasoning is feasible and how it can be performed. For this purpose, we study the impact of compressing a rule base associated with an inference mechanism on the performance of the reasoning process. Moreover, we report on an extension of the (A)AAAA methodology that includes a coherency check algorithm, that makes this reasoning possible. We show how this compression, in addition to being beneficial to the management of the knowledge base, also has a positive impact on the performance and resource requirements of the reasoning process for policy propagation

    Propagating Data Policies: a User Study

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    When publishing data, data licences are used to specify the actions that are permitted or prohibited, and the duties that target data consumers must comply with. However, in complex environments such as a smart city data portal, multiple data sources are constantly being combined, processed and redistributed. In such a scenario, deciding which policies apply to the output of a process based on the licences attached to its input data is a difficult, knowledge- intensive task. In this paper, we evaluate how automatic reasoning upon semantic representations of policies and of data flows could support decision making on policy propagation. We report on the results of a user study designed to assess both the accuracy and the utility of such a policy-propagation tool, in comparison to a manual approach

    A BASILar Approach for Building Web APIs on top of SPARQL Endpoints

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    The heterogeneity of methods and technologies to publish open data is still an issue to develop distributed systems on the Web. On the one hand, Web APIs, the most popular approach to offer data services, implement REST principles, which focus on addressing loose coupling and interoperability issues. On the other hand, Linked Data, available through SPARQL endpoints, focus on data integration between distributed data sources. The paper proposes BASIL, an approach to build Web APIs on top of SPARQL endpoints, in order to benefit of the advantages from both Web APIs and Linked Data approaches. Compared to similar solution, BASIL aims on minimising the learning curve for users to promote its adoption. The main feature of BASIL is a simple API that does not introduce new specifications, formalisms and technologies for users that belong to both Web APIs and Linked Data communities

    Knowledge Components and Methods for Policy Propagation in Data Flows

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    Data-oriented systems and applications are at the centre of current developments of the World Wide Web (WWW). On the Web of Data (WoD), information sources can be accessed and processed for many purposes. Users need to be aware of any licences or terms of use, which are associated with the data sources they want to use. Conversely, publishers need support in assigning the appropriate policies alongside the data they distribute. In this work, we tackle the problem of policy propagation in data flows - an expression that refers to the way data is consumed, manipulated and produced within processes. We pose the question of what kind of components are required, and how they can be acquired, managed, and deployed, to support users on deciding what policies propagate to the output of a data-intensive system from the ones associated with its input. We observe three scenarios: applications of the Semantic Web, workflow reuse in Open Science, and the exploitation of urban data in City Data Hubs. Starting from the analysis of Semantic Web applications, we propose a data-centric approach to semantically describe processes as data flows: the Datanode ontology, which comprises a hierarchy of the possible relations between data objects. By means of Policy Propagation Rules, it is possible to link data flow steps and policies derivable from semantic descriptions of data licences. We show how these components can be designed, how they can be effectively managed, and how to reason efficiently with them. In a second phase, the developed components are verified using a Smart City Data Hub as a case study, where we developed an end-to-end solution for policy propagation. Finally, we evaluate our approach and report on a user study aimed at assessing both the quality and the value of the proposed solution

    Towards a Framework for Visual Intelligence in Service Robotics:Epistemic Requirements and Gap Analysis

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    A key capability required by service robots operating in real-world, dynamic environments is that of Visual Intelligence, i.e., the ability to use their vision system, reasoning components and background knowledge to make sense of their environment. In this paper, we analyse the epistemic requirements for Visual Intelligence, both in a top-down fashion, using existing frameworks for human-like Visual Intelligence in the literature, and from the bottom up, based on the errors emerging from object recognition trials in a real-world robotic scenario. Finally, we use these requirements to evaluate current Knowledge Basesfor Service Robotics and to identify gaps in the support they provide for Visual Intelligence.These gaps provide the basis of a research agenda for developing more effective knowledge representations for Visual Intelligence

    Modelling and Querying Lists in RDF. A Pragmatic Study

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    Many Linked Data datasets model elements in their domains in the form of lists: a countable number of ordered resources. When pub- lishing these lists in RDF, an important concern is making them easy to consume. Therefore, a well-known recommendation is to find an existing list modelling solution, and reuse it. However, a specific domain model can be implemented in different ways and vocabularies may provide al- ternative solutions. In this paper, we argue that a wrong decision could have a significant impact in terms of performance and, ultimately, the availability of the data. We take the case of RDF Lists and make the hy- pothesis that the efficiency of retrieving sequential linked data depends primarily on how they are modelled (triple-store invariance hypothe- sis). To demonstrate this, we survey different solutions for modelling sequences in RDF, and propose a pragmatic approach for assessing their impact on data availability. Finally, we derive good (and bad) practices on how to publish lists as linked open data. By doing this, we sketch the foundations of an empirical, task-oriented methodology for benchmark- ing linked data modelling solutions